Augusta Prep is a strong and family-oriented community, and we all play a significant role in its success. Being a part of a community requires a partnership between all constituents. As a community, we model and nurture an environment built on the following core values: kindness, honesty, respect and responsibility.
Each morning students in grades Kindergarten through 4th grade begin their day in common space where they all participate in reciting the Cavalier pledge:
Cavalier Pledge
I pledge to be responsible for my education.
To be honest in my actions.
To think globally and act locally, providing service to others.
To show kindness and respect,
making our world better every day.
I am, a Cavalier!
1. Kindness: Students are expected to listen and speak respectfully and in a kind manner.
students will listen to faculty and staff and follow directions
students will use an indoor voice when speaking inside
students will use appropriate language which does not include swear words or negative remarks about themselves or others
2. Honesty: Students are expected to be sincere in their actions and exhibit trustworthy
3. Respect: Students are expected to care for oneself, others and property by keeping hands, feet, and objects to themselves
students will respect other people's personal space by keeping their hands and feet to themselves
students will respect all property, help clean personal messes, and assist in leaving spaces in better condition than when they found them
Hitting, fighting, biting , teasing, harassing, inappropriate touch, or harming others or oneself in any way will not be tolerated. Disciplinary actions for these behaviors will be taken seriously.
4. Responsibility: Students are to care for themselves and others by abiding by our bullying prevention rules.
Olweus Bullying Prevention Rules
Rule 1: We will not bully others.
Rule 2: We will help students who are bullied.
Rule 3: We will include students who are left out.
Rule 4: If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at home.
Lower School House System
Students in grades Kindergarten through Fourth are sorted into four respective houses named after our four character words: Fidelitas (responsibility), Gratia (kindness), Integritas (honesty), and Respectus (respect). Each house consists of students from all five grade levels, creating an opportunity for our older students to guide and mentor our younger students. The houses meet each month where they participate in a team building activity or a service project to benefit our school community or the greater surrounding community.
Classroom Education
Everyday reinforcement of good character is a priority in our lower school classrooms, Character-education lessons are presented by the counselor to grade levels several times a month. These developmentally appropriate lessons include various methods of experiential delivery, utilizing games, literature, puppetry, and research-based programming. Topics range throughout the year and include themes such as friendship, positive social skills building techniques, respecting differences, relational aggression, and empathy. This structured time is tailored to meet the needs of our elementary aged Cavaliers.
Augusta Prep has adopted the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP), a school-wide framework for reducing bullying interactions among students, preventing new bullying problems, and strengthening peer relationships. Middle and Upper School OBPP lessons are taught during advisory sessions.
The Olweus bullying prevention program is promoted throughout our lower school classrooms with the delivery of teacher-led, age appropriate lessons that compliment our core tenants.
The Social Institute
Augusta Prep has also partnered with The Social Institute, a program designed to teach students in grades 3rd and 4th how to navigate social media and technology in healthy ways. The Social Institute lessons focus on seven standards that coincide with the tenants of character education at Augusta Prep:
Play to Your Core - Reflecting our values character and interests in our actions
Protect Your Privacy Like You’re Famous - Staying in control of our personal information
Strike a Balance - Balancing our time and attention on technology with the people around us
Cyberback - Having each others’ back and supporting each other
Find Your Influencers - Surrounding yourself with positive role models and credible influences
Using Your Mic for Good - Amplifying your voice to create meaningful change
Handling the Pressure - Finding your own path no matter the pressure from others